Monday, July 12, 2010

C8's Quilt--Border Patrol

This is it! All of the blocks are done! 48 blocks that have been tweaked, squared, and stitched together! Time to put on the border! I decided to put on a pink border first to bring out the pink squares in the middle and separate the blocks from the rest of the border.

First step is to measure the short side, right across the middle of the quilt. This tile floor is the biggest space I have in my house to lay out a quilt. And my knees are starting to feel it. Ouch!

It measures 51 1/4" wide. That's the measurement I use to cut the top and bottom pink strips.
I go with a 3" wide strip and cut 2 strips 51 1/4" long.

I find the middle of each pink strip by folding it in half and then pin the middle of the strip to the middle of the top and the other strip to the middle of the bottom of the quilt. Then, while I sew it on, I make sure the ends of the strips meet at the ends of the quilt. I use pins and bobbin tugging to make sure the fabrics (border and quilt) all match up. This will keep your quilt square!

Next step: Measure the length of the quilt, down the middle, including the new top and bottom borders. Cut 2 3" wide strips that exact length. Find the middle of the strips and pin it to the middle of the sides. This helps to sew the border strip to the quilt evenly. Make sure the quilt fits the border length when you sew it on.

Here's a pic of the first, pink border. I added 2 more borders to this quilt before I called it good! More pics of them in the next posting!


pcb said...
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pcb said...

Soooo beautiful! I don't think I realized what a perfectionist you really are till this quilt, but it sure paid off!

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous Liz - seriously - probably one of my favorites you've done. Great job picking those fabrics - I'm amazed. I can't wait to see the finished pics.

Also, I followed your AWESOME advice picking out fabrics for Ash's quilt - did you see it on my blog? Your advice to choose your fave fabric and make everything else match it was PERFECT - it's the first time I've picked my own fabrics for a quilt (rather than a kit) and actually liked it in the end. Thanks for the great advice - and if you haven't seen it - check it out!